How to measure wooden flooring?

In this post we would like to give you some basic advices on how to measure wooden flooring. As a professional Bristol-based company with a years-long experience and executive knowledge in measuring the floor area we can offer you a quick and easy to follow manual.
Basic remarks
Each measuring process should be best done by the professional team of installers and fitters, but it is also possible to do the work on your own provided that you’ll have all the relevant tips:
- always remember that the flooring area is the room length x room width
- the wall area is wall height x wall length
One of the first things to do is to compile the plan of the floor as accurate as it can be. In order to do the measuring and the floor plan:
- a simple ruler,
- a clipboard,
- an eraser,
- pencils,
- graph paper,
- a professional measuring tape (20-30 foot would be best),
How to do the measuring
- you need to do the initial and basic plan of the floor which will include all the hallways, walls, windows, placement of the door, closets, etc. Remember that the initial plan is not actually about proportions,
- you may now begin to measure the area. If possible do the work of measuring in running dimensions. At one corner of the floor place the measuring tape and run it all along the room side. Note the measuring results on the sketch you made in the first point,
- Do more measuring works such as ceiling height measures, width of the trim, etc.,
- now it is time to make a redrawing the existing initial plan of the floor to a more accurate one so that it will better show the proportions of the room. It is best to do this on another graph paper sheet,
- it is important to make the photos of the drawing process after it’s finished because the photos can be then used while consulting further works with an installer or the retailer so that the room can be rearranged,
These are the basic elements required to do the wooden floor measuring in each type of room or interior. Recall that if you lack any of the materials listed above or you aren’t 100% sure how to do some particular step(s) – please contact us and our experienced, well-equipped as well as reliable technicians, engineers and installers will give you the best measuring service you can get.
Apart from measuring services we can also provide you with a professional and highest quality wooden floor installation, fitting, renovation, or finishing works. Call us for more info.